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I have experienced many wilderness seasons over my life time. In fact, I believe we live most of our lives in the wilderness! Jesus did! Abraham did! Moses did! Elijah did! In my early days as a Believer, I had little to no understanding of how these "wilderness times" could and would enhance my life and relationship with my Father God until my Baptism of Love in October 2003 when I received my affirmation from my loving Father as His beloved Daughter.
As I began searching and reasoning through the Bible, studying those whose lives were majorly impacted and transformed through their wilderness experiences, I realized that our "wilderness season" WILL bring transformation to our lives if we allow them. Here's what we can encounter in the wilderness:
* As Abraham took his son into the wilderness to sacrifice him, he experienced extreme, deep levels of worship and trust in his Father.
* Moses received his assignment from a burning bush in the wilderness to deliver a nation!
* Elijah received his next assignment to father Elisha, etc. as he slept in the wilderness and was fed by angels after running from Jezebel!
* Jacob experienced an "open heaven" with angels and wrestled with God and won in the wilderness!!!
* Jesus' Alignment as a "son" was solidified in the wilderness so that He could fulfill His Designed Assignment!!!
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