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Our next missionary could be YOU!

Click here to download our MIA application or email us here for more on what we offer and what we can do for you so you don't have to worry about logistics.

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By clicking the app icon you will automatically be directed to our online application.

MIA's purpose is to oversee, pastor, encourage, bring accountability, process donations, and help facilitate sending those called full-time to the nations. Whether that call involves evangelism, church planting, teaching, leadership development, education, missions of mercy, medical outreach, or serving another ministry, we want to assist them in being successful in their destiny for the Kingdom.


If you'd like more information on how we can help you while you are on your mission field, please email us by clicking this link.  You can download an MIA manual or application by clicking on the appropriate icon above.  You can also support your missionary online by below.


If you would like to support an MIA missionary via check, please make sure you write your missionaries' name in the NOTE line of your check. Make your checks payable to "MISSIONARIES IN ACTION" or "MIA" and mail to Missionaries in Action, 627 N MacEwen Dr., Osprey, FL 34229.

Jazmin Garza

Jazmin was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico.  When she was 18, Papa God called her to missions through YWAM. She went through their Discipleship Training School and fell in love with His heart for the nations and the unique gifts and personalities that He has placed in each country.  She’s had the blessing and privilege to minister in a few countries such as Argentina (where she lived for 2 years), Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Thailand, Botswana, Zambia, South Africa and Spain.


She recently moved to Mexico City we're she's pioneering a School of Supernatural Ministry with the Video Curriculum from Bethel in Spanish. This will be one of the first schools of its kind in Mexico. It is her heart to see Heaven invade her native country. She is a Christ follower, miracle believer, faith & love pursuer, world traveler, interpreter/translator, daughter of the Almighty, the One and only God!

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Doris Bailey

Doris is a daughter of Father God and the future bride of Christ.  She has retired from a 38-year career as an interpreter for the deaf.  Jesus called her to serve as a missionary to children caught in human trafficking.  Since 2011, she has served in Pattaya, Thailand.  She has gone to the jails, slums, hospitals, poor, prostitutes on the street and children ministries to help.  She began teaching moms in the slums how to hear God and how to train their children in righteousness.  Now she travels across Thailand teaching the bride of Christ and the hungry; how to love as God desires while bringing many families into God’s family.  She visits the hospital children’s ward bringing gifts to ease their suffering and ministering to the family the love of Jesus.  Currently, she is helping to set up a house of prayer and ministry to the people of Takhli, Thailand.  She goes to the poor and helps the children while sharing the power of Love.

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LGM is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry and when you donate to LGM, or support one of our MIA Missionaries, your gift is tax-deductible.

©2013-2023 LEANNE GOFF MINISTRIES All Rights Reserved.

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